About Product:- This gloves from the house of "Navkar Crafts made of Cotton material and comes in Different color. -- PROTECT HANDS Working in industrial, construction, commercial or even any indoor or outdoor works at home can pose real danger or damage to our hands. -- ONE SIZE FITS MOST Whether you have large or small hands, the gloves will be a great, breathable, and comfortable fit. It'll feel like they're not even there and you can still live your life and use your phone, television remote, read books, etc. -- FOR INSPECTION WORK They work great when you are doing some inspection work, which no fingerprints should be left on items such as glass, mirrors, coin, jewelry, silver, diamond, photo or antique stuff. -- MACHINE WASHABLE Another feature of these gloves is that they're machine washable and durable. You can reuse them over and over again, providing super value and saving you money. -- It is ideal for casual wear and can be normal wash. -- High quality Cotton gloves for Men's and Women's. -- Comfortable to wear and a attractive looks. -- Soft to touch and comfortable for wearing. -- Thin, soft and durable. -- Great gloves for activities where your hands will be exposed to the sun or Cold. -- The gloves can protect your hands while driving in winter or summer. -- It allow complete movement and comfort. Manufactured with advance technology under the supervision of professionals utilizing 100 % Cotton, it fits perfectly to person above 15 years and keeps hand warm. Important information